Christmas is Coming

and the weather is Terrible for running!  It’s so darn cold and so icy that it’s tough to get outside.  I do see a few of you out and about running and I applaud your bravery.  I’m sticking to the treadmill until the temps are above zero when I head out. 

It is time to think about race goals for the coming year.  I’m training for a full marathon in May (haven’t done a full for a couple of years, so will be an interesting process).  Of course Rockin Tomahawk will be coming up in June.  We had a planning meeting yesterday and there a few minor changes in the works that I think all participants will appreciate.  Stay tuned for more details…..

By rockintomahawk

Pre-Run Fuel

I eat breakfast every day but I’m usually up for a couple of hours first. My stomach is just not ready for breakfast first thing in the morning. That can make fueling up for an early morning long run or race somewhat challenging. I’ve found a food that’s great fuel for the run and sits well in my stomach.
They’re breakfast biscuits that come in several flavors. They’re portable and easy to eat. Only word of caution – they are a bit dry so make sure you have something to drink when eating them.

By rockintomahawk

Just over 2 weeks to go!

The day is coming fast and excitement continues to build, especially for first timers.  If this is your first Half Marathon, try to relax and enjoy the process.  For the last couple of months, your weekly long runs have gradually been getting longer and longer.  You’ve run farther than you ever thought you would or could.  Now it’s time to taper and cut back a bit.  Don’t let taper madness get the best of you.  Trust the training you’ve put in and enjoy the process.  You should be very proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished so far.  It’s not easy to stick to a training schedule while juggling all the other demands of daily life.  Take some of the extra time you’re not putting in on the roads and trails and treat yourself. 

Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend!


By rockintomahawk

Race Day is Just Over 4 Weeks Away!

Are you getting ready?  Finally, the weather has broken.  So nice to get outside and run.  I normally try to run outside as much as I can, year ’round, but this winter I just couldn’t myself out the door to face the cold, ice and ever increasing piles of snow.  Now that the roads are dry and the sun is out though there are no excuses!  I’ve got an 8 miler tomorrow.  How is your training coming?  What’s your long run this weekend?

Make it a great one,


By rockintomahawk